Premature Babies Week By Week: Weight, Health, NICU Time

She also has certification in neonatal nursing (CCRN – Neonatal). Your own pediatrician may participate in, or at least will be informed about, your infant's immediate care. Because of this, he will be able to answer most of your questions. Sudden unexpected infant death and sudden infant death syndrome. Before you bring your baby home from the NICU, your baby will need to have a hearing screen. The newborn hearing test is a non-invasive test that screens for possible hearing problems in newborn babies.

when can a premature baby go home

It can help nurture the bond that you share with your baby and establish feeding patterns. Things may not seem perfect at first but soon with time and practise, you’ll learn to take care of your baby. Extreme preemies without complications are typically ready for discharge two to three weeks before their due date. By 25 to 26 weeks, premature babies weigh about 1 1/2 to 2 pounds and are about 9 inches long when measured from head to bottom. Babies born at this time are also called micro-preemies, and they face long NICU stays and have many health issues related to prematurity. Generally, preterm babies stay in hospital until about the time they were due to be born, about 38 weeks of pregnancy.

Learning about neonatal care through 'rooming in'

A common treatable condition is hyperbilirubinemia, which affects 80% of premature infants. Babies with hyperbilirubinemia have high levels of bilirubin, which is produced by the normal breakdown of red blood cells. This high bilirubin level leads to jaundice, a yellow discoloration of the skin and whites of the eyes. Breast milk can be pumped by the mother and fed to the premature baby through a tube that goes from the baby's nose or mouth into the stomach. Formula also may be given to babies whose mothers can't provide breast milk and donor breast milk is not available.

when can a premature baby go home

Being hands-on with your baby can give you confidence as a new parent, as well as make the transition home a little easier. Ask the hospital staff for help — they can show you how to use a breast pump and find the supplies you'll need to store milk. You'll feel stronger and better able to care for your baby. At first your baby may receive fluids and nutrients through an intravenous tube. Breast milk may be given later through a tube passed through your baby's nose and into his or her stomach . When your baby is strong enough to suck, breast-feeding or bottle-feeding is often possible.


Sadly, some babies die as a result of being born too early because their organs are too immature to function properly outside the womb. The earliest a baby can go home is 35 weeks gestation, but I usually advise parents to expect to go home close to their due date. Visits outside the home should be limited to the doctor's office for the first several weeks, especially if your baby is discharged during the winter months. Ask the doctor how limited your baby's contact with other kids and adults should be during these first weeks. If that's the case with your baby, discuss using a special restraint system with your neonatologist or doctor. As a precaution, many hospitals require that parents bring in their car seat for a test.

when can a premature baby go home

Premature birth is at higher risk for one or more complications. Sometimes, babies born at 37 weeks will need to stay in NICU for a short while, but it’s quite unlikely. Premature babies born at this age are starting to look plump and may be able to maintain good body temperature without the help of an incubator. A premature baby born between 29 and 30 weeks will still require a long NICU stay, but their vital organs are much more developed than those of babies born earlier. All premature babies are small, require complex medical care, and may face serious complications both in the NICU and at home.

Can preemies go home at 36 weeks?

Some insurers will provide home nursing visits for premature infants or even more extensive nursing care for infants with complex medical problems. Nursing providers and social service workers can help you determine what your insurance coverage will provide. In some cases, premature babies who cannot be fed through the stomach are on total parenteral nutrition feeds given through a vein. Talk to your care team to find out the needs for your child. Speech and behavioral development also are important areas during follow-up. Some premature infants may need speech therapy or physical therapy as they grow up.

when can a premature baby go home

Consult the NICU staff about the likely time an appointment is needed. Usually, it is within 2 to 3 days of release from the hospital. In case you do, take referrals and contact details of those medical practitioners. Some premature infants may need certain routine tests like hearing and vision tests, blood tests.

Get help learning to swaddle your little one from the nurse before you leave the hospital and keep practicing until you can do it with your eyes closed. Though preemies still don’t snooze as deeply, swaddling does help. Your baby’s lungs may not be fully developed at birth and they may have trouble breathing on their own or have apnea. Some babies will have a ventilator to help them breath and some may just need oxygen. Before going home, your baby will need to be breathing well on their own and off of oxygen. As important as this care is for your baby's survival, her move to the special-care nursery may be wrenching for you.

when can a premature baby go home

But, besides bright emotions, there are also life realities – a huge responsibility for their own children. It is necessary to prepare in advance for the appearance of crumbs. Your baby, or foetus, is around 43.7cm long from head to heel, and weighs about 1.9kg. That’s approximately the size of pineapple and the weight of a laptop computer. Your baby’s brain and nervous system are now fully developed.

Your premature baby will need a special wardrobe and other pint-sized items. (Hang on to one of those teensy onesies for his scrapbook. In a couple of years, you won’t believe he was ever that small.) Be sure to stock up on preemie diapers too. If you can’t find them at your local big-box store, look online. You may also need a special car seat made forlow-birth-weight babies or at least an infant seat with a newborn insert that will cradle his smaller-than-usual frame. Some hospitals have loaner car seats, so ask before you leave.

Most full-term babies born at about 40 weeks of pregnancy weigh an average of 7 1/2 pounds. This is why the earlier a premature baby is born, the smaller and lighter they might be. However, even full-term babies can also sometimes have low birth weight. If you deliver a preterm baby, your baby will likely need a longer hospital stay in a special nursery unit at the hospital. Depending on how much care your baby requires, he or she may be admitted to an intermediate care nursery or the neonatal intensive care unit . Doctors and a specialized team with training in taking care of preterm babies will be available to help care for your baby.


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